That’s A Promise![Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]](
Wow! Where are guys like this? Yes, the guy is indeed doing a good but why does he have to make an announcement of it out of nowhere? The girl might take him as a man of her life or all her feelings for him might vanish in one go. Anyway, the crowd at the airport might have got to see a nice scene.
Well Described![Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]](
This chauffeur here is looking for a ‘Smoking Hot Italian Chick’. Do they do it on purpose or the girls especially asked them to welcome them with such signboards that might look too attractive? The girl might be a lucky one to be welcomed in a such a special way.
Needs Practice![Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]](
He is being supportive but what else he can do? It’ll take some time for him to call his mom dad. Words could not be taken back when spoken but can be re-written. This signboard is way too sarcastic to make anyone feel good about it whether its mom or dad. Caitlyn Jenner really needs to look into this matter.
All That Jazz![Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]](
This is what Christmas looks like when it is wrapped around as a suit. Waiting for your family to celebrate the biggest eve of all time? Try this suit on and chances are that your family will identify you before the plane has even landed.
Lowkey Racist?![Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]](
A college student, waiting for a foreign exchange student who is coming from Asia for her next semester. This girl is not at all interested in picking her up just doing it as a burden and the Asian girl will understand this in the first look. Isn’t this racist?
The Wall Joke![Funny Creative Airport Greeting Signs That Impossible to Miss [85 pics]](
The wall is the next big thing for the U.S. people nowadays. It is one of the recently introduced plans of Mr. President. Well, people are not really concerned about it. The wall can be a big deal for politics but not for the population. At least, that’s not an issue for the people who wrote this. Be it fences or walls nothing can keep the people who love each other apart. Anyway, they’ll find ways to get back together.