Back To Basics
Liam finally bounced back into life and he gradually gravitated back towards all the things he loved doing before the bullying happened. He began by taking one step at a time. Not only was he back to his normal life, but he also picked up things from right where he left them. He finished the soccer season with flying colors and he was no longer a soft target for anyone.
A Thankful Mother
Deirdre thanked every individual who stood by her family and specifically her son Liam. She thanked people for turning the post into a movement over social media and for all the love they expressed through their words that encouraged her son Liam to come out of the trauma with a positive mindset. He didn’t hold in any hatred or rage and he was more aware that bullying should never be tolerated.
Talk To Someone
Bullying is more of a serious issue than most people consider it to be and it is nothing but a shame that it still exists. If you are being bullied or know someone who’s being bullied, take a stand. Ask the bully that you don’t find it appropriate but do not get into a fight, be calm and try to seek the help of an adult if it doesn’t stop. Another thing you can do is to laugh it off in case one passes a remark on you as the bully might get caught off guard.
Address The Issue
Adults should respond as immediately as possible to bullying as it will indicate that bullying is not acceptable at all. Parents and school staff can prevent bullying by educating the kids about it and creating an environment where these kids feel safe and they can take a stand against such acts.
Campaigns Against Bullying
There are numerous active campaigns against bullying in an order to prevent it and cease it from existing. To name one it, WWE Be a star campaign against bullying had done quite a remarkable job over the last couple of years. From addressing the issue in front of thousands of live audiences to spreading the message by broadcast services, they have done a great job in educating people. Public figures and celebrities can influence a lot of people so they work as ambassadors for the campaign and they visit schools to teach kids to respect everyone equally. The objective is to spread the word that no one is better or worse, we are all different and we should respect that.