
Liam seemed lost and there was not much his mother could do about it. The boy had started to run away from everything that he once loved and eventually isolated himself. He was no longer eating like he used to. he stopped hanging out with his friends and bike rides around the neighborhood was now a thing of the past. He would spend his entire day locked up in his room and soccer was not even a part of his life anymore. Had anyone wronged Liam?

Hospitalized for Tests

Liam and his mother visited a local clinic and the doctor suggested that the boy should be admitted to a hospital. He was then rehabilitated to the Cohen’s Children’s Hospital where he stayed for a week. The school year was now about to start but Liam wouldn’t make it in time as he was far away from getting better. The boy had lost a lot of weight due to poor eating habits and he had to stay under medical attention for a while.

Reaching Out

Liam had lost weight simply because he had stopped eating and he was aided with glucose intravenous infusion. He was discharged from the hospital after seven days but the doctors advised that he needs to be taken care of or he can end up soon again in the hospital. Deidre being a responsible mother was willing to do all that it took to make things better for Liam and she reached out to the school for help.

Please Help

Liam’s parents requested the school authorities to keep an eye on their son and told them that the boy seemed troubled lately. The school promised the parents that Liam would be taken care of and nothing would be able to harm him in the school premises. But did it happen so? Unfortunately, something worse was about to happen to Liam.

The Bruise

He started school on Tuesday, and his birthday was that Friday, September, 8. And that day, he came home, and he had a big bruise on his face.” Deidre exclaimed. Can you guess how did it happen and who did it? Deidre was as clueless and she confronted her son about the bruise on his face and Liam told her that he fell off the stairs during recess but the scar on his face looked like something else. Was Liam telling the truth? Deidre believed him but Liam would go through another blow before the truth unravels.

Wasting Away

Within a week of getting a nasty bruise on his face that Liam said was the aftermath of taking a fall from the stairs, the boy dropped another 5 pounds. Deirdre has had enough and she finally approached her son in the kitchen and made an emotional appeal asking Liam to tell nothing but the truth. However, her heart was broken when Liam opened up about what had been bothering him.