When on a normal day’s routine of tending the garden, a worker heard something unusual, she immediately realized that something in the garden was not right. The thing she discovered after moving towards the place from where the sound was coming left her bewildered.
Rough Start

The story starts with a mother cat living her life in peril with her kittens. Yeah! if a complete cat family is living in an old and devastated washing machine used for doing laundry, then surely they are facing a tough time. But, yeah there fate was about to take a u-turn which would completely change their lives.
Sheer Luck!!
The adventurous journey of the cat along with her kittens began once they were rescued from falling into the pit of death. From then on it, all went crazy for them. Let’s find out what exactly happened with this special cat family and who was the one who helped them.
A Typical Day at the Florist

The incident took place in Edgware, U.K. when a woman working at a shop selling flowers sensed something strange in the garden located behind the shop. To be precise, she was a little shocked to hear some sounds from a particular corner in the garden.
After listening to the faint sound for a little while, she realized that it was a meow of a cat. Without wasting any time, she rushed towards the spot from where the sound was coming from and was left astonished after witnessing the sight. She couldn’t believe her eyes…
A Washing Machine

The woman had been a worker at the florist for quite some time now. It was because of this fact that she was surprised even more when she saw a hollowed out washing machine with creepers and noxious weeds all over it. She knew for sure that the sound was coming from inside it. So, she leaped forward to take a look and was taken aback in an instant. Even more interesting, a pregnant cat had decided to make the washing machine her home so she could give birth to her little of kittens. Unfortunately for her, the little home she had created was about to be discovered!
A Pregnant Cat 
On seeing the small kittens inside the washing machine, the woman understood that a pregnant cat in the absence of any suitable place decided to take shelter in the washing machine and give birth to her 4 small kittens there itself. It was a step taken in desperation by the cat, which could have put the life of her family in jeopardy. But, the strangest thing was that the cat was nowhere to be seen.