Alan McSmith is a tourist guide who loves to get lost in nature. Likewise one day he was casually going through an African forest with his cameraman when he encountered the death in its most horrifying form. He was standing right before an elephant that looked as black as thunder. The worst thing was that there was no turning back as the elephant was just an inch away from him. The man had never seen death so closely. The elephant was mad with anger and the man was completely disarmed. No doubt it was the most unwanted situation in his life that had already made him go weak at his knees. What would you have done in this situation? Well as far as this man is concerned, he did something very interesting. Read the story out and compare your strategy of evading the charging elephant with Alan’s. Do not forget to watch the amazing video of the same that will make you drop your jaws.

Alan McSmith

Alan McSmith is a prominent wilderness guide who has wandered in the woods of Africa for 25 years having total experience of 30 years. Along with being a wild explorer, he is a public speaker, writer, conservationist and founder of Wilderness Vision. By waddling through the thick jungles of Africa, he is promoting the meaningful connection between human and nature. He also conducts Meaningful Encounters (tours) for the corporate audience in Europe. Interestingly, to listen to him people flocks in thousands from all over the world. You must be wondering why does he has so much popularity. Well, the answer will shock you completely!