What A Father
“This is a selfish coward. This is a person who has lived his life destroying others,” said Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco. Detective Anthony stated, “He told me his name was Terry Symansky, provided me a driver’s license. Terry Symansky: correct date of birth, everything. I asked him again. He said his name is Terry Symansky. Eventually, I showed him the death certificate that I’d brought with me. He eventually told me his real name was Richard Hoagland.”
Avoiding Consequences
Sadly, Linda couldn’t claim any money that Richard had stolen from her. As the law states if the theft has taken place more than 5 years ago, the thief cannot be charged. But he cannot escape from the charges of identity theft of Terry Symansky.
Breaking Two Homes
Linda told, “My heart goes out to them. We know what they are going through. We do express our sympathy and empathy to them. I’m sorry.” Linda’s youngest son, Doug was in jail when Richard was caught and he had some questions for his father.
Future Undecided
Doug was serving an eight years jail term for drugs usage. He wrote a letter to his so-called dad who abandoned him and asked; “For a long time I wondered what was wrong with me that would warrant someone being able to just walk away. What was so bad that you had to disappear?” Matthew too could never forget what has happened and how miserable their childhood became just because of their father’s mistake.
A Constant Reminder
Doug has now completed his jail term and lives a happy life. Matthew too is married and have children. He said, “The impact of [my dad’s] actions has affected all of us over the years, and we still deal with it and carry it on a daily basis.”
What’s The Real Reason?
The only question that remained was what caused all this and how things went out of Richard’s hands. What did he need so much money for? What went wrong in the first place. Everyone wanted to know, Linda wanted to know.