When she filed a divorce, the judge made a decision in her favor. The orders were clear that Richard was the one who was responsible for all the debts and Linda had no hand in it. Linda could notice strangers following her in the public areas. It was like someone was keeping an eye on her actions 24*7. Who were these people?
Failed To Track
Richard called Linda a couple of times and cops tried to track him down. Once his location was in Aruba and the next time in Venezuela. After enormous attempts, Linda made up her mind that he will never return and she’ll never get the chance to question him for all that he has done. Above all, her own life and her kids’ life seemed to be in danger.
Last Contact
The last attempt Richard made to contact his family was through the mail. The mail had $50 for each of his sons and a message along with it, “I love you and miss seeing you. Let your mom help spend this money, you might want to put some away. Maybe sometime soon we will get to see each other. I bet I won’t even know you it has been so long. Mind your mother. Bye, Dad.”
All Eyes On Her
Matthew, the elder son explained, “Initially, you think: ‘OK, this won’t last long. He’ll be back.’” Sadly, that never happened. “He devastated us. He left us with nothing, absolutely nothing. I was very broken,” said Linda. Her vehicle was taken by the bank and the worst part was that there were some suspicious people trying to intervene with her life.
A Listening Device
One day, when Linda’s parents visited her to console their daughter, they noticed a recording device right on the side of the telephone. This meant that someone was listening to Linda’s call. These were scary days for her. Sometimes she noticed things placed in her home differently than before, which meant that someone has been there. And the dangerous thing was it wasn’t the police.
Resealed Mails
Linda started to notice that the mail she received was opened and resealed. Someone was trying to know if Richard was getting in touch with the family or not. She contacted the police and yes, they were still trying to track Richard but the cops were not after Linda anymore. This made it very clear that Richard had taken money from other sources too. And now these people were behind Linda and her sons.