Boyfriend Or Not?

Samantha was living with her boyfriend. At the beginning of their relationship he was being nice to her but after they moved in together things started to change. Samantha’s boyfriend became more possessive and kept a check on her daily routine. Samantha did not like this at all being a lady who believed in giving one’s partner some personal space. Days past on and the situation did not seem to get well. So, Samantha decided to take a bold step. This step was of leaving her boyfriend for which she had already planned to book a flight and go as far as she can from her possessive boyfriend.

Felt Free

The moment she reached the airport she could feel her freedom. Samantha was so much proud of herself that she finally made it out of the emotional and mental trap of her boyfriend. She was thinking of her past and what lies in the future for her. After all the thoughts given she knew that right then she needed a reliable place.

Unlikely Connection

Samantha developed an interest in video games when she was 15 years old. For her, it has always been an easy escape. Online games give her a chance to get in contact with new people. During all the video gaming days she got to know a guy named Tom. From games to real life, they soon exchanged their numbers and started talking to each other. In the coming months, their conversations only increased to an extent where Tom got to know everything about Samantha’s situation. Chatting and talking wasn’t all, Tom made a weird request that brought Samantha far from her mother’s home all by herself.pregnant woman - samantha snipes

A Request

After knowing everything about Samantha and the fact that she had a troublesome relationship, Tom still pleaded with Samantha to come to his place to meet him. They both wanted to see if it was only friendship or they could be more than that. Tom didn’t live a few streets away rather in a different state, North Carolina! Was he even the right guy for her?

Another Big Change

Tom, the young man came to North Carolina to meet Samantha. Tom and Samantha knew each other just for a couple of months but looking at each other’s understanding nature Tom asked her to move in with him to which she agreed. They’ve been staying together since then.samantha snipe - adoption