A Funny Family Man

Colin Blevin, a 45-year-old construction worker who resides in San José, California. His heavy built up and sweet smile both adds to his charming personality of being a great father, a loving husband and, a hardworking man. Colin usually goes out for work at 7 in the morning but that Monday morning was different from the very beginning. Although Colin’s girl was disappointed knowing her dad will not take her to school that day, her dad explained to her what’s the reason behind it. Finally, the girl agreed when Colin promised to take her out later that day. Her smile brought relief to Colin, after all, a daughter’s smile is all father prays for…

Work Is Priority

Despite his back pain, Colin was willing to show up on that day for work. Yes, he was a bit late than usual but he respected his work. When he reached at his workplace that morning he was going to encounter something exceptionally strange. And his actions will decide the fate of innocent life.

A Closer Look

It was when he took a closer view inside the car he understood that something wasn’t right. As it seemed, the man inside the car was talking to himself. This person was not even worker at the construction firm. In that case, the question was what was he even doing on the way.

Who Was He?

The weird person was Raymond Randy “Turtle” Gutierrez, a 43 years old homeless man. He was known by the locals as an annoying man everyone preferred to maintain distance from. What nobody knew was that this time Raymond got his feet into wrong shoes and ended up in trouble.

Unaware Yet Alert

Yes, Colin was unaware of Raymond’s intentions and what was he up to but he could sense the vibes of danger coming from this man he never saw before. Things got a bit more strange when Raymond started arguing with Colin for no actual reason. He was asking Colin to mind his own business when in reality he himself was blocking his way.