His smiling visage

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

“This is pretty awesome,” Herman accepted when Patricia was done with the shaving. This new, shaven look not only left the former lumberjack’s face free of hair but also revealed more of his glorious smile which had been concealed beneath the bush of his beard. 

It was time for the clothes now!

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

However, this was far from the whole makeover that Douglas had in mind. To complete the brewmaster’s new look, the stylist wanted him to dress up in smarter clothes to complement his suavely shaven self. Unpacking a suitcase full of garments on the floor, he was armed with various options to dress up Herman in. 

Explaining the clothing choices

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

Douglas gave the explanation behind his choices, “For me, one of the most important things a guy can have in his wardrobe is just really good basic, dark jeans. These go with everything because they’re dark and they’re not faded.” Douglas continued, “The next thing is just a good pair of dark boots.” Pulling out a shirt, he said, “This is just like a really lightweight denim shirt. Because this is so thin it almost like an all-year-round kind of shirt. Dark blue on dark blue, kind of tone on tone thing, but because it’s all dark it’s also kind of slimming.”

The transformation was complete!

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

Once Herman’s transformation was complete, it was time for the big reveal. It was around the time Connie usually wakes up, so it would not be long before she came downstairs. Herman was even encouraged to send a sweet good morning text to get the ball rolling.

Connie sees the surprise

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

“Trap’s set, she’ll be down in just a second,” Douglas excitedly exclaimed. Soon enough, the unsuspecting Connie was coming downstairs with a sleepy son in her arms. “Oh my gosh! No…”, she exclaimed delightedly the moment she saw her newly transformed husband. “I thought you went to a poker game!”, she gasped, before rushing down to hold him in a warm embrace.

She couldn’t contain her joy!

Image: YouTube/Rachael Ray Show

Connie certainly wasn’t shying away from expressing her joy. She explained to the camera, “That’s how I met him, years and years ago and it’s nice to see that face again instead of staring at the beard.” She then added, “I’m actually still trying to get past the fact that he doesn’t have a beard on anymore. I really like it – love it.”