A Weekend Getaway

The winner’s prize was a weekend trip to Florida to a popular spa. The idea was to give the winner a quick getaway from daily life. But Deedee didn’t wish to go. She was the type of lady who was not ready to take off from work even on Sundays.  

Daughter Insisted

Florida seemed like a good option to Vickie and she insisted that Deedee should take this opportunity to have some time for herself. She assured her mother that everything will be under control and in case, anything goes wrong, Deedee will be the first person to know about it. After so much of efforts, Deedee finally said yes to the trip.

The Take Off


Deedee took the flight on Thursday evening to Florida and stayed in a relaxing spa resort. There she enjoyed several massages and meditation therapies. She just sat there and enjoyed the view while the masseuse did a tremendous job. 

Relaxing Days

Apart from that, manicures, pedicures, and facials were done. She got the proper 8 to 10 hours of blissful sleep. This is the getaway that Deedee never asked for but was desperately in need of. Little did she know the true reason behind it. 

More Surprises Ahead

After a much-needed getaway, Deedee was finally going home on Sunday evening. When she called her daughter, to know her whereabouts, she asked her to come straight to the restaurant. Deedee tried to inquire the reason for it but Vickie insisted that she should come and take a look herself at the present situation.

Rushed Worryingly

Deedee immediately grew concerned about what must be the reason behind her daughter’s words. She rushed to the restaurant to see what was going on unaware that the biggest surprise was waiting for her.