What A Tribute

The drivers backed off because, before consuming anything from the cooler, they wanted to pay their homage to him and Velvet. They got off the truck stood in a straight line and first saluted and then bow down to Charlie’s wife. They then offered a handshake to Velvet and appreciated her for her kindness.

Showered With Blessings

Many people came to Velvet’s residence and protected themselves from the hot weather. Just imagine what is it like to taste the water and satisfy your thirst while the sun is shining its best. People told Velvet that she had done a great deed, Something so good that G0d will definitely bless her and protect her all the life. Well, it wasn’t a wrap.

Cooler Goes Viral

Monica, who was Charlie’s sister took her brother and sister-in-law’s legacy forward. She too puts up a cooler in the loving memory of her brother and serves her countrymen. Though it was not at all easy for them to get over the death of their family member, they had devised such a great way to remember him that all they now had a smile for everytime they thought of him.

The Hashtag

Everyone around the country were so moved by Velvet’s action that soon only 13 states also used the same thing. They too set up a cooler to help people fight thirst. They all were doing something called really great. They also gave a hashtag for this. #Charlie’sCooler.

Helping Her

Velvet never expected anything in return when she planned on setting up that cooler. Still, people out of their love often gave anonymous contributions and donations to her. They did so in order to ensure that Velvet had plenty of resources to restock that cooler and keep her husband alive till her last breath.

Healing Herself

In some manner or the other, Velvet could somehow help herself heal via this cooler. Now she was not the only one who was keeping her husband alive in her memories but everyone who used the cooler thought of him and prayed for his soul’s peace. Nothing could have been a better way than this to show her husband how much she had been missing him.