Miserable State Of Puppies

The condition of the puppies was far beyond worse, as they had suffered damage inflicted by the tar. Some were in very bad shape and one pup couldn’t even close her mouth due to the tar that had stuck. They all were crying miserably as they were in a lot of pain and fear.

Tried To Comfort Them

The team decided to firstly carry out the primary task of comforting the puppies as they would harm themselves even more if they panicked. The rescuers decided to rehydrate them by using their fingertips or an oral syringe as these were the only methods possible. 

A Long Ordeal

After rehydrating them, the team proceeded to initiate the toughest task of removing the tar covering the puppies fur. To do this, they used clippers and scissors in order to cut the largest chunk of tar.

Massaged Oil

After removing the large chunks of tar from the fur, the rescuers came up with an idea of massaging a thick layer of oil on the puppies’ coats, as it was the only way to soften the hard tar for being washed away later through the water.

A Hopeful Sight

The tar took almost two hours before beginning to get soft. Fortunately, the puppies for the first time started to show signs of movement by starting to wriggle. It was inspiring for the workers who were giving their all to the task, but there was still more work to do before the puppies could be declared completely out of danger.

Oiling Sessions

A single oil massage was not of any help in removing the extremely stick tar from the puppies fur. So, the team started to give oil massages to the puppies in sessions, while in between, transferring them to vats of warm water, so that the warmed tar could rinse off.