Work Work Work

Doctors always suggest the mothers should continue working during the pregnancy as it helps at the time of delivery. Although they won’t suggest it in complicated pregnancies, Breanna and her unborn child seemed to be doing perfectly fine. Hence, Breanna too was supposed to keep herself active. She did her usual daily chores without any trouble until one Monday morning. 

Unexpected Pain

So, one fine day, Breanna started to have pain in her belly. At first, she ignored the pain thinking it to be just another pregnancy thing. She continued her with her daily chores and guess what the pain wasn’t leaving her.

Taking It Lightly

She was 5 months pregnant and knew even the slightest of the issue should be get checked with the doctor. However, she thought of waiting until her next appointment with the doctor to report this untimely pain. Sadly, that appointment was never going to take place.

Rest Might Help

When this pain didn’t go away even after an hour, Breanna left her chores in the middle and reached the couch to get some rest. She laid down hoping this would help her get rid of this pain. What looked like an under-control situation was actually an emergency condition that Breanna failed to understand.

Not Going Away

Instead of getting better, Breanna could feel it that the pain was actually increasing with every passing hour. This was the moment when she decided to call Robert. She wanted to take his opinion on whether she should go to the hospital right away or wait for her prescheduled appointment.

Leave The Work

Robert immediately grew concerned and asked Breanna to inform the hospital that she’ll be there to check up within an hour meanwhile he’ll get back home to take her there. Despite Breanna’s less concerned behavior, Robert chose to not take any risk. He left from his work as his family was the priority at that moment.