Loves Her Job

Colleen worked at the Des Peres branch in Missouri and was very good at her job. She has even admitted that she had always wanted to wait tables when she spoke to interviewers about her job. Since she enjoyed serving people, even the customers enjoyed being served by her too.

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12 Years Of Service

Like we have mentioned earlier, Colleen has been an asset to the restaurant she works in for so long now. She has been faithful in service at the restaurant for an incredible 12 years now. Colleen is one of the most beloved servers working hard. This is a casual chain restaurant that serves up burgers and fries where customers come in bulks daily.

Branch Manager’s Words

Even the branch manager where Colleen works named Kelly has something similar to say about her. “[Colleen] literally has left behind her shoes for team members who don’t have slip-resistant shoes, [and she] would take her belt off to give to somebody on the PM shift,” she cited.


Making It Work

If someone who had worked for the restaurant for over a decade, it is clear that she would have experienced a lot in life. Well, when you ask her co-workers, they would tell you that Colleen has certainly made a difference or an impact. This is again quite impressive because even though she has four children of her own and busy with her own family, she still makes it work.

A Genuinely Nice Person

She has won over the hearts of not just the customers but her coworkers alike. When interviewers questioned Tina her coworkers, she had a very nice thing to say, “Colleen is the type of person who would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it.” So it is clear from here that Colleen is a genuinely nice person who does not appear nice because her job requires her to.

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Why The Po-Po?

As we speak about how nice and sweet Colleen is, we must know that she had an interrogation with the police. So on a particular day in 2016, the police turned up at the restaurant to question Colleen, to say that it was out of the ordinary would be an understatement. Everyone was confused to see one of the crowd favorites at the restaurant in talks with the authorities.

Fake Money From A Patron

Just a few days before this happened, a very unfortunate event took place at the restaurant. Since Colleen was not a suspicious person by nature, she unknowingly took counterfeit money from one of her patrons. Colleen did not expect that a loyal customer would ever do her dirty like that, so she did not think to recheck the money that she got.

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Heads Back Inside

It was also a difficult position to be in for the policemen as it would not be too nice to suspect someone of a crime like this. “I’m so sorry, Colleen,” the officer expressed when Colleen made a move to get back to work inside the restaurant. “This is not the way I wanted your Wednesday to go,” he said as she tried to get back to her daily routine.

A Surprise Party

When she went back to the restaurant, she discovered that it was fully crowded. Confetti was blowing generously into the air. The place was packed and everyone inside was whooping and hollering as soon as she entered. From being questioned by the police outside to this, the popular waitress from Des Peres was absolutely shocked.

A Secret Project

The Dude Be Nice project was secretly working with the Red Robin restaurant and the local community because they wanted to honor Colleen for being so loving and caring. The place was full of Colleen’s family, co-workers, and customers who all felt indebted to her because of all the thing she has done for them. There was not a sad face to be seen.

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