A Flaw In The System

There is another thing that we must remind you about. There are a lot of people are do not realize that in America, there is a thing known as “tipped minimum wage.” This is something that has been affecting people in the service industry for quite some time now. Servers and bartenders would just receive a tiny portion of their states’ normal minimum wage.
From The Tips
There is an expectation that the rest would automatically come from the pockets of the clients who will reward their service with the tips they hand them. And we all know what actually goes down at restaurants and bars. This assumption never ends up happening, and hence there is a need for a change quickly. It is becoming a large scale problem gradually…
Time To Make A Change

It is lucky for servers because the world is putting attention towards this unfair system. Hence by 2015, Danny Meyer, who is a popular New York City restaurateur made some efforts to hopefully make it better for the people working in the service industry. He made a decision to make some changes by ridding the tipping system at the restaurants he owns.
Setting An Example
He aims to make tipping a thing of the past, that every restaurant gets rid of this unfair policy. He explained his views, “I just decided — instead of blaming the tipping system for what didn’t seem fair or right, why not take it into our own hands?” So from the example, he had set, hopefully, other owners get to see the unfair tipping system that is doing damage to both servers and clients.