Strange Physical Features
The woman was not only crudely dressed but also supported strange physical features. Unlike a woman of nineteen years, she had broad hands and fingers. Maybe digging the forest soil from hands for years had made her limbs unusually broad. Moreover, her climbing of trees and gripping upon the branches had made her hands this large. But how did the girl made it to the forest? What compelled her to live such an abnormal life?
Drank Blood
The rescuers offered the girl some fruits and vegetables but she killed a rabbit and ate it raw. She even drank its blood. Though the villagers were disgusted at the sight, they wanted to help the poor creature. They offered her some water for bath and even provided her with some clothes. Little did they know that a bath would change all their perceptions about her.
Strangely Complied
Strangely, the feral woman did not attack the villagers this time. Rather, she complied with everything. She readily agreed for a bath and accepted the clothing. Maybe she was able to understand that they were trying to help her. As the people say, a human who has no knowledge about society is a wild beast. So was this feral woman, who was clueless about the ethics of this society.
A White Lady
Initially, the girl appeared to own a dark-tanned colored skin. However, it was an illusion. As the girl bathed, all the dust, mud and grime that she accumulated through the years washed off. She was not dark-colored, rather she was a beautiful looking white woman. Yet, again the same question surfaced the villagers that how did this pretty looking woman turn in to a feral one?
More Help
The villagers knew that the girl needed much care and attention which probably she was devoid of in all the years while she was wandering in the forests. To help the girl, they shifted her to the St.Maur hospital in Chalons hoping that she would recover soon and with the help of the staff there she might be able to tell about herself.
Teaching French

The very first thing which the people at St.Maurs taught the girl was the French language. If once the girl caught hold of the language she would be able to communicate using it, unlike the sign language of her own she was using by now. Though teaching her alphabet was a tough task but people were making attempts to help her.