Startled U.S!

It came as a shock for the U.S. as the intelligence agency of the country was not expecting explosion for many more years. No doubt the development exacerbated the already strained relationship between U.S. and Soviet Union. The impact could easily be understood as both the company had made tremendous changes in their foreign policy.

Could Not Find

No doubt, CIA was absolutely right in its assumptions, they still did not know where exactly was the building located. The Mining and Chemical Combine was still a mystery. However, a few decades after world war got over, the project was brought to an end in April 2010. 

Living Like A Legacy

Now as the cold war has ended and the world has undergone a shift from bipolar to the multipolar one, the project Mining and Chemical Combine has received laurel from all around the world. No doubt it is the finest example of human ingenuity that is going to startle the world till it exists. 

No More A Threat

It is surprising that the project went on for so long but nobody could find out about it. Though CIA did get a clue that was not enough. Despite the secrecy maintained when the revelation was made, it no longer remained a threat as it would have been in cold war days.


No need to say many things have changed since then. The Soviet Union is no longer in existence or should we say the glorious history of this country is being carried on by other nations that took birth out of this giant country.