The results were shocking. O’ Brien and Meagan’s DNA was a 50 percent match. This was too much for O’ Brien to take in. They were half sisters. O’ Brien had no memories of having a younger sibling and this news came as a sweet shock to her. She was yet to know Meagan’s response to this.
Keep Her Calm
Meagan was on duty when O’Brien got this great news. She immediately texted Meagan and told her about the unexpected results. She shares how much of disbelief she was in. The moment Meagan saw the message she had to maintain her calm. She says…
Meagan recalls, “I was working that day and when I got the text, I was working with a patient and I had to keep my composure,”. “I was shocked. It was just impossible” Both the woman never knew they had a sibling and when they got to know they were simply in a state of incredulity.
The Warm Hug

Meagan rushed to O’Brien the second she was done with her patient. She just stared at her for minutes and didn’t utter a single word. She went close to her and hugged her tight. It was a very emotional and precious moment for both the ladies.
Almost 45 years
Meagan was two years younger to O’Brien. Both of them came to this beautiful realization that they shared the same father all the while after almost 45 years. Almost half of their lives both of them craved to know their biological roots and it all happened when the two females turned into co-workers. One can understand how special it would have been.
Laughing Together
Later on, the sisters were laughing over how had destiny brought them together. Just when they were busy in their lives, their past suddenly came in front of their eyes. Who would have even thought that one of the co-workers suddenly would turn into a sibling? However, the elder one had something different to say.