This Doggy Travels

Eclipse has also found appreciation in the hearts of the transport office proving how problem free she really is. There has also been a Metro Transit spokesman who said that the agency loves that a dog appreciates public transit. It would be hard to try and hate this dog because she clearly does no harm to anyone but rather bring joy and laughter everywhere she goes.

 Prison Break: Paws

This is another story about one dog who has done such an incredible thing by escaping the animal shelter. She diced that it was time to break out of the animal shelter she was in and for a good reason. Her only motive was to go back and locate the family she was with before she got sucked into the shelter. This dedicated dog was only concerned about reuniting with his previous family that once took care of her so she made a decision to run away from the shelter that has kept him lonely.

Prison Release

The dog has carefully calculated as to how she was going to attempt escaping the shelter. Since she was only happy staying with her old family, her only option left was to get out and find her way back to them. She had to execute a prison-break style break out! Do you think it would be possible for the poor pup to do this because we all know that dogs cannot hide under a costume or even talk their way out using a conversation? What do you think she could have done?


This pitiful dog was obviously feeling extremely homesick and she desperately needed to see her old family. She was not going to let any security measure keep her from doing so. Her only priority was to get to her home and live a happy life like the one she knew before she was inducted into this animal shelter. It is such a shame that the dog has to go through so much emotional suffering inside this shelter that ultimately drove her to take such a drastic step.

Bye Bye Ginger

The story of Ginger was started when she was left at the Apple Valley Animal Shelter (AVAS) in California’s San Bernardino County. This dog was kept there because of the fact that her owners could not afford to take care of her anymore. She was abandoned in the shelter in the hopes that she may find someone who can provide a better life for her that the family could not offer. It was certainly a very sad day for all but it had to be done.

No Options

The owner’s story is also such a sad story that would break your heart as well. It is not like Ginger was left at the shelter because of a selfish motive. The truth was that Ginger’s owner had actually become homeless and was living in his car. There was obviously no way of properly taking care of a dog as he could barely afford anything for himself. The owner felt like it was his obligation to try and give her a second chance in life, that a new family might adopt her to give her a better life.