People tend to forget happy moments and lose faith as quick as a wink. However, those who have learned to appreciate the joy in small-small things will relate to this story’s ups and downs. Happiness comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors we just need to realize. Love is all around us even in the darkest of moments we just need to feel it. The first thing that struck our minds after knowing this war hero’s story was the lyrics from Rihanna’s evergreen song, “We found love in a hopeless place.” Once you’ll know more about him you’ll think of the same.

Mike, The Sergeant

Master Sergeant Mike Maroney was given orders to save lives when Hurricane Katrina hit the United States. Sergeant Maroney was saving lives unknown to what was awaiting him. This Hurricane changed many lives around the U.S. and Maroney is one of those people. Maroney saved more than 140 people during that day. Though he wasn’t sent for this purpose and hence he was somewhere ignoring the orders that he got from his seniors in the first place. Yet taking these people out of their flood-ridden homes was his ethical responsibility. Little did the sergeant know this day will have the biggest impact on his life.Master Sgt. Mike Maroney,

One Hug Is All It Takes

Maroney and his troop rescued this family out of their flooded home. Once they landed and the family was now safe, a girl he just helped in the helicopter walked towards the sergeant. With an enthusiastic smile on her face, she hugged Maroney as a thank you gesture. At that moment, life stopped for Maroney. Never before had he felt this strength of love and none of us could understand how he felt at the very point unless we’ve been at his place. This one moment was about to keep Maroney moving through much more severe circumstances.mike maroney

Writing It Down

Maroney was in a habit of keeping a journal to keep a track of all that he has achieved or lost in life and even the smallest happy or stressing moments. During the interview, he read his words from the day this angelic girl hugged him. The words were, “picked up the cutest little girl today. Gave me the biggest hug, and I melted.” The amazing part isn’t over yet as the day had much more significance than the sergeant actually thought.maroney journal

The Picture Goes Global

None of them knew each other, yet once the hurricane was over their photo represented the rescue effort. The photographer handed over a copy of the picture to Maroney and right after that, the picture was cemented on the military coins too. Burger King placemats and AT&T phone cards had their picture too. It was 10 years later that this picture appeared on the cover page of  People’s “American Heroes” collector’s edition.7-magazine

Nervous Disposition

It was LeShay’s first time in front of these cameras all focusing on her. The girl was now grown up. She met the two hosts at first, hugged them and then she walked towards Maroney. This was the moment Maroney waited for so long. At last, Sergeant Maroney got an opportunity to thank the young girl. LeShay and Maroney