An Unexpected Day

Like we said, a missing daughter would surely alarm a parent and rightfully so they called a search party to help find her. The corn stalks filled the entire field where the search party did their best. They made use of light to flash and hopefully get through to the little girl. Everyone was calling out for little Remy. As Timber joined in, she felt sick to her stomach suddenly. As she was also running through the filed along with the huge crowd helping her, she was beginning to feel a little numb and hopeless. She could feel the people rushing past her to hopefully get tot he little toddler. The field was huge and she felt hope dim down more and more. The crowd had been in search of her daughter for hours now and she felt like she was gone forever, but then she heard something…

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No One There

The adorable baby girl had always been very active and cheerful. So obviously, the family loved her so much as she was a ray of sunshine in their lives Remy’s favorite thing to do was to play hide and seek. Hence, Timbers’ first instinct was to check Remy’s frequent hiding spaces. She quickly searched up and down the house, behind the car and the corn stalks. Since she alone felt a little helpless, she decided to recruit the dog too. So Timber clapped her hands and blew a loud whistle. However, the only thing she could hear was the rustle and bustle of the fields of corn. The family dog’s name is Fat Heath. The dog would always show up everything she called or whistled but this time, no.

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Emergency Call

Timber was not going to wait any minute. She knew that time was precious, that she could not wait or waste any second. She was filled with distraught and her palms trembled as she struggled to dial 911 to call for help. She was barely able to narrate the whole incident to the police. She informed them that Remy was gone and that she was by herself, probably in danger…

An Anxious Call

Another Day

Timber clearly was not able to get a good night’s sleep that evening. She, as any ordinary parent would, spent the whole night restless and wondering where her baby girl could be. She was alert and armed of every sound she heard, hoping and wishing it would turn out to be Remy. When morning came, Timber she could see people gathering in her yard once again, some same, some new…Since he did not want to let any sound out, Quinlin had to stop himself from walking. He tried once more to hopefully get a response from Remy and shouted out her name. As soon as he did that he heard a very timid bark come from very close by. Since the sound of the barking was a little too low, he could not tell where the source was coming from.

A New Day

Well Deserved

Timber after Remy regained consciousness asked her daughter, “Why were you not scared?” The introverted little girl then admitted to her mummy, “Because Fat Heath was with me.” This was solid proof that the littel guy had been fiercely protecting the girl that night she went missing. He truly deserves all the praises and attention he is getting, plus treats!

A Terrifying Situation