Rush To Doctor

“I told her to make an appointment with her GP as soon as she got home. And that’s what happened.”He tells in an interview, “I was trying to push her to go to the doctors.” Monday, when Emmy returned to London she made an appointment for the same day and went for a checkup. There wasn’t an instant assurance about anything from the doctors as they wanted to get a few tests done. However, their expressions were indicating that something was not at all right.

Rare Case

“I was rushed to A&E with chest pains – we were waiting there for nearly twelve hours before a doctor told me the cancer stage four – it was incurable, and had spread to my spine, lungs, liver and bones.” Emmy was one of the youngest people to have this rare medullary thyroid cancer with only 300 cases in the UK in the last 12 years. Yet Emmy and Jake were not ready to give up.

A Display of Devotion

“She had been complaining about not feeling great for a while but no one had ever felt her neck,” Jake shared his experience with disappointment. It was only 6 months since the couple got back together and the misfortune was on them now, though the reports stated Emmy didn’t have much time left, the couple was not convinced that this was it and a disease is stronger than their love and therefore, they wanted to make something new of their own. A paradise for the two.

Cycling Trip Across Europe

Even though the couple had the hardest time going on they never lost hopes and started moving ahead, faster than before. Emmy and Jake were ready for an adventure of the lifetime and Emmy was setting an example. Instead of being bedridden and feeling lethargic she was up for a cycling journey of 2000 km (1,242 miles) across Europe, from London to Copenhagen for a heart-melting cause, we wonder what it would be?

For A Cause

Emmy was getting her treatment in Royal Marsden Hospital and she couldn’t be more thankful to the hospital staff that saved many lives from cancer and so the couple decided to raise funds for the Royal Marsden Hospital to help other cancer-ridden patients and successfully raised more than £140,000 (over $195,000). “It was the most phenomenally overwhelming experience…the BEST day of both of our lives,” wrote on her blog when the biggest disappointment was buried in her heart.

Mom’s Prediction

Emmy’s mother always told her that Jake is ‘the one’ for her and that happened to be true when the cutest couple decided to share their lives together. They knew each other since childhood and dated in teenage and were now getting married in their late 20s They were an ideal match and honestly ‘the ones’ for each other.