
So what was in store for the little white pup? He was surely helpless because he was so small and so lost, all alone with no one for a company. He had been walking aimlessly until he reached a railroad station. There, someone finally took notice of him. Rescuers were slowly becoming a little worried as to why Bobi would spend time at the train tracks. He could have been hit by a train!

Tricky Rescue

So to see a dog hanging around on the train track was clearly a bizarre sight. It alarmed many people who were staying close to the railroad.  Since they did not want to risk any chance of Bobi being saved from the train tracks, they needed to come up with a plan B. They could not startle the dog. So soon enough after brainstorming, the rescuers came up with a new plan that might work.


So what exactly was their plan when they decided to try and rescue the poor homeless dog from his terrible living condition? The rescuers, after contemplating for a while, decided that waiting and following the dog around would be a good idea. They then worked hard to get Bobi to a safer area. Finally, they could get Bobi to come off the tracks and into an open space. This was just the beginning.

With Treats

So the whole team had been trying to warm up to Bobi for a while now until they knew he understood that they were here to help. Eventually, Bobi started to also show that he was not scared anymore, that they were just trying to save him. They cleverly made use of a treat to show that they just wanted to help him. He could finally be cornered.

A Lot Of Questions

Are you also wondering what exactly happened to the poor pup? What made him a stray, strolling about living many days in the dangerous areas of the train tracks? What made Bobi a street dog? The previous owner of Bobi was not hiding anything and filled the rescuers on the details of how the dog ended up like this. The story of Bobi was almost unbelievable.

Run Away

They came to know that Bobi was actually a 9-year-old dog. They also discovered that Bobi had actually made a choice to run away from his own home. He had definitely run very far from where he used to live because his rescuers found him just about 10 miles away from where his owner lived. From what they heard, Bobi was quite adamant on leaving…

Any Inquiries

As expected, there were loads of interested adopters who wanted to take Bobi into their custody. There were so many who wanted to adopt and give Bobi a better life. Even though the organization’s location is all the way in Romania, they were clear that they could ship Bobi all around Europe, the USA, or Canada. Finally, the right person came up.

Finally Adopted

UPDATE: Bobi was adopted !!! After a journey of over 4600 miles from Romania to the US, our brave Bobi arrived at his new home in Delaware, United States and is now finally living the happy life he so much deserves,” the organization excitedly expressed.

A Loving Family

Bobi after living through a hard experience has finally become an adopted pet. His days of roaming about the streets of Romania with no shelter or food to eat are finally over. He finally found someone to love him and keep him safe no matter what happens. He does not need to worry about feeling alone and scared anymore. Bobi has now found a good home.

Dedicated Individuals

The staff at ‘Howl of a Dog’ have indeed done a wonderful job in the way they handled Bobi’s case. You can say that Bobi’s life is changing right before everyone’s eyes and it is absolutely amazing. This dog’s life is changing for the better and hence everyone that knows about him is smiling from ear to ear. There are some of the things that make life worth living.