This is an extremely emotional incident of a dog which will surely touch your heart. The ordeal this pooch had to go through is something a normal dog does not even dream of. Hopefully, a woman acted as an angel in her life and helped her in giving some relief from the torturous condition. This surely gives a dark insight into a very sensitive aspect related to animals.

A Confined Dog

Being confined in an unacquainted place, seeing unfamiliar people and most importantly alien smells are some of the conditions a dog could never even dream of. Unfortunately, this dog had to face such conditions which obviously scared him a lot.

No Information

There was no information about the pooch’s past life. Some of the facts about the little Maltese Poodle named Edie was that in the beginnings of 2010, she had ended up in the Los Angeles County Animal Shelter in Lancaster.

Very Frightened

It was obvious for anybody to realize the fact that the little poodle was in an utter state of terror. On top of that, the place where she was staying permitted euthanasia. Sadly, because of her pathetic state, she was scheduled for termination.

Not Eligible

“Kill shelter” is a term used for any shelter that puts down more than 10 percent of its animal residents. Since Edie was put under the category of those who were too aggressive, therefore she was not eligible for rehoming. The reason for her being put into termination.

A Helping Hand

Bronwyne Mirkovich, a woman who loved dogs, couldn’t bear the fact that the pooch was being handed a death sentence. After noticing it in the shelter, she decided to take the help of a friend of mine. That friend was Eldad Hagar from Hope For Paws.

Immediate Need

The Los Angeles-based Hope For Paws organization was founded by Eldad with his wife, Audrey. The only objective of the charity was to save every animal it could from the most desperate situations. Edie was someone who was in dire need of it.