Finally, Some Help For The Family

Both Eric and Olivia might be in the zone, where they thought that they had to fight this situation all alone. But there was someone else who had noticed their plight. Lots of people might have ignored this but considering their situation, the stranger decided to help them out. The stranger was Virginia Kinch.

Kinch celebrated Thanksgiving by distributing food to the needy

Virginia Kinch was a single mother, who believed in celebrating Thanksgiving by helping others. She along with her daughters, cooked food and distributed it to the needy and homeless people. That was when they spotted this family; living in the bus. Kinch was very saddened to see their condition.  

Kinch’s heart sank

The weather during this time of the season was really bad and looking at their condition, Kinch was worried about them, especially the children. Many people had noticed this family in their area but no one came to help. Kinch’s heart sank after looking at their plight. Therefore, she decided to act. 

Kinch was willing to lend her Greeley House to the family

She along with her daughters came up with a plan. Kinch knew that the family didn’t have a ceiling over their head. She owned a house in Greeley, which she was willing to lend them. That would be a major help for Eric and Olivia. That was really an amazing idea to help the needy family.  

Kinch’s offer to the family

Of lately, Kinch was thinking to rent her house or to sell it to anyone. But at that moment of time, she thought that it would be great to lend the house to this family. Without wasting any time, she headed to the bus, in which the family was staying and offered them to stay on her Greeley property.  

Olivia was surprised by the offer

Surprised, Olivia couldn’t believe her ears. “I thought it was a prank. That was my mindset because nobody does that,” Olivia told local newspaper Times-Call. However, it was, in fact, a serious offer by Virginia Kinch. “We just couldn’t leave them like that those little babies in the cold,” she said.