Still A Shock
We all know that the extermination sites were used to take the lives of countless innocent Jews and minorities. Even the researchers knew this very fact. But when they dug up everything, they could not help but give into the shock that they were feeling. The number of bodies that they managed to dig up was not a joke. They did not expect to find such a large number of bodies.
Very Few Escapees
During the time the site was functioning, it had kept a multitude of prisoners who could not taste anything that life offers. Many of the prisoners lost their lives because the Nazis did not deem them fit to live on. Their fate literally lay on the decision of the Nazi generals. And just about 60 prisoners were able to escape the concentration camp and make it alive by the time the war ended.
Unsurprising But Affected Still
And unfortunately for the rest, their life had to meet with an end since they had to serve the purpose of the extermination camps, that is, death. And so the remaining prisoners were eventual;y put to the ground in mass graves just like this one. Even though the discoveries that the researchers made were not surprising, it affected them nonetheless as it would any person with a head and heart.
Ways Of Execution
Among the mass number of bodies they found was this one here. This body had been discovered and was lying face down. As the researchers looked deeper, they were able to find something shocking. The base of the skull shows a significant mark that is clearly visible. This person had been killed with a gunshot that left a wound. He was probably executed in this manner.
Still Intact
As we had learned before, the Nazis made an attempt to wipe off all the evidence that could lead to the discovery of their inhumane practices. Even though there was a massive portion of the camp that had been demolished over the course of the years, some of the most terrifying monuments have managed to remain incredibly intact.
The Empty Site
This photo here is one of the brick walls that laid the foundation of one of the most infamous gas chambers to ever exist. As you can see, the site is absolutely empty with no trace of that torture and abuse that had taken place in the facility. The emptiness echoes the death and demolition that had once fueled this horrid place where millions of lives were lost.