
According to the man, last night when a kid was cycling his way back home, he saw some light inside the house. And the daring kid made his way inside the house. It was all dark and he could barely see. The place smelled bad and as he was finding his way to the stairs, to see where this light was coming from, something bit him. That’s when the little boy freaked out and tried to run out of the house. What was it?

Someone Followed?

The moment he shouted and turned around to run out of the house in pain he could feel that something had started to move on the first floor, right above his head. As he later told his family, it was like someone was following him. The parents were scared and informed the neighbors about the incident after returning from the doctor’s clinic. The doctor had a different story to tell though…

Doctor Said…

The little boy’s tiny adventure was left incomplete. Seeing the scared kid and after giving him first aid, the doctor said it was most probably a rat that bit the kid. Well, a rat in an old abandoned house makes sense but what about the light and the thing that moved upstairs? There were no answers for that and that’s how the society people decided on calling the police.

Let’s Check It Out

After listening to the incident that took place a night ago, Officers Resnick and Paolo headed straight to the building by 29th and Locust. They knew they had to be careful as they didn’t have any idea of how bad the situation was. It smelled of all rotten eatables and the moment they opened the doors, they understood what this smell was.

The Crumbling House
The Crumbling House

Resnick and Paolo saw that the windows of this house were broken and the main door also seemed like it could fall at any moment. The floor was covered with piles of clothes and there was garbage everywhere. That’s where this bad smell was coming from. They searched the whole ground floor and there was nothing to be worried of other than the mice for sure. And now was the time to move upstairs.

Freezing ColdNowhere To Go

The place was freezing as almost all the windows were broken and the curtains were torn. Even the roof was coming down from a few places. There was no paint left on the walls, the kitchen sink had fallen down long back. But something seemed odd about this place that was making it different from any other abandoned places they’ve encountered before.