Two At A Time

Knights Of Dice.jpgThis one has both, the chess and the dice. How many times have you come across such Knights? Isn’t it amazing! This knight wears a dice in the bottom. We all know that chess piece is always heavy on the bottom and it happens because it is used as a support to stand. But not every creator comes with such quirky ideas and those who come should be given the word of appreciation from us. 

Window With Different Views

Hidden Bathroom Window.jpgNo, it is not difficult to do. All you need to do is to screw the hinges to the window casing and frame of the mirror. That looks like an uphill task but is quite easy. By this one can also make the false impression to the visitors as a regular medicine cabinet. You can also utilize the beautiful light coming from the window after pooping. You can keep the simple background and a greener one that depends on your choice.

Dicey Dice

Dice In Another Dice.jpgIt is more like buy one get one free. The broken dice here has an extra dice inside of it. I know, it gives so much happiness to have something like this. We usually don’t expect it, right? Yeah, it is not good to have a pair of broken dice when you so want to play but this not so secure dice can take its place. If you have any broken right now, then check out if it has another pair of dice. Go for this only after reading this article as we have revealed many more secrets like this on the list. I will also tell you an unbelievable fact about the One Times Square of New York!

Times Square Full Of Secrets!

timesquare.jpgNew York is one of the busiest city in the world. It is difficult to imagine a quiet and forlorn place in amid of its hustle bustle. But there is one place out there that you would have never expected to be that quiet. The place is One Times Square. It is a building in Times Square used for putting on the billboard. Not many people realize the emptiness of this building as it is surrounded by the crowds and chaos. The reason behind is that the company that used to possess this building went broke and therefore had to sell it to an advertising firm. Now the advertising firm uses it for holding up the billboards.

Do Not Disturb

ultimatehider.jpgWe also have a resting owl here. Who took full advantage of its color and hid in the tree. A furtive glance over it cannot reveal the true identity of this own and would be mistaken as a part of the tree. Perhaps he did it to prevent any kind of disturbance in its sleep. That is proving successful as we believe no one would be able to distinguish it from the tree. But above all the owl is looking extremely cute in this position.  

Amazing Random Design

Fence Like A Wolf.jpgWe usually come across many random designs that we tend to overlook but some of them are so unique that you just can’t help but take a picture of them. This design made in the woods of a fence resembles the face of a wolf. The best part is that it is made on its own. No doubt, nature is the best creator in this world. Did you realize that it is a picture of a wolf upon seeing it or something else came to your mind? More companies should go for such kind of designs.