Going Viral

This amazing experience was enough to tell how good the day was going to be. There was no bound to Rob’s happiness. He decided to post her picture on Facebook. The man also shared how the lady made his day better. It was indeed a unique incident and worth sharing.  

Likes And Comments

Is there any way a story so heartwarming does not go viral? The post received a lot of likes and comments. Not to mention, the story got shared thousands of times. In today’s world, not everyone goes this far to make other people happy. She deserved special treatment.

Faith In Humanity

One follower said, “First of all kid, I can’t believe your boy is 18! Second, I’ve been thinking a lot about the transformational power of love and kindness. Our life is as a vapor…it is here and then it’s gone. Thanks for sharing your blessings…” Rob’s story was not only inspirational but heartwarming too. 


Rob’s friend stated, “The whole point of life right here! And it could not have happened to a more deserving person. Great story Rob Edwards! And so well told, as per usual. When you write a book look me up. I reckon I got a few titles for you already!”

Sharing The Love

Rob commented, “I was so touched. I don’t know her name, I’ve never ever seen her before. But I will never forget her love. I asked to take a picture with her. And hugged her neck. We need more of this in the world today,” “…not the money. But kindness. I hugged a complete stranger today. My son who I love with all my heart was shown, love.”


Rob later said, “Many of you who know me know what I believe in. Sounds kinda familiar don’t it. It warms the father’s heart to love the son. I am blessed. Cole Edwards I’m so proud of you! To my bank customer friend. THANK YOU!”