
The man, once again, smiled at her. He thought the conversation with this stranger was over as the woman had left the bank. Rob was happy to help her. At that time Rob had no idea the woman was up to something unthinkable. Some encounters stay with you all your life and this meeting was one of them for Rob. 

Slipped Him Something

Rob stepped forward to the teller to get his transaction done. The man was about to move away from the line when he felt an envelope being slipped under his left arm. The woman was still there. She slipped something to him. But why? 


Now, his smile was gone and confusion was all over his face. The man turned around and saw the woman walking away hurryingly. Why would she leave her something like this?   


Rob reminisced, “We carried on additional small talk about being lucky to have made it before the bank closed – and the joys, fun and hard times of having an 18-year-old. I then stepped up to the teller and proceeded with my transaction.” Things were not ordinary no more.


Rob craned down his neck to see what was slipped inside his lower arm and was surprised to know it was a plain envelope. The woman had done it on purpose. While placing the envelope, she had murmured something to him. He could not understand what she said. 

No Mistake

Clearly, the lady was not mistaken. She put that on the table for him. He had to doubletake at the envelope and that is when his mind began to race. There were a lot of questions in his mind. Why did the lady do that? What did she tell him while passing him by?