Still Happy

Though Ryns did miss their daughter they were happy too for Ceraks who got their daughter back. Don said, “There are just some things that can’t be explained, but the faith that we have in God has gone so deep,”  He added, “Even in the midst of this crisis, it’s been what really has given us the strength to get through all of this.”It was not difficult for them only even the Ceraks felt the same way. Whitney’s sister said, “Soon after we saw Whitney, our family met with the Van Ryns and our joy for ourselves was pushed aside by the pain we felt for them, it is hard because our joy is their pain… This immediately brought back all the realness of the pain we felt only a few days ago.”

Living Up

Many years have passed by and the teenager Whitney has turned into a beautiful grown-up woman. She has learned the value of life and she has decided to make the best of it. As far as her love life is considered, she got married to her longtime boyfriend Matt in the same church where her funeral was held. She is living a beautiful life since then and is enjoying even more after three tiny addition to their family.