Though the television is full of earth-shatteringly amazing TV shows, only a few of them have stood the test of time like Star Trek did. Though it’s original series ran for only 3 seasons in 1960’s, it has since only seen a growth in popularity so much so that it inspired several other series and movies like The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise. Just like us we are sure you too must be curious about what happened to your favorite actors playing these characters and today we have the answer for you

Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher

Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher

This celebrity has always been criticized by the fans of the series. During the advent of the Next Generation, he played an odd child on the show who was always messy and whiny. Though eventually, he did grew up, but he didn’t last long on the show as he was soon seen leaving the enterprise and only make guest appearances here and there. Since then he has done some independent movies and even played a role in The Big Bang Theory.