Avery Brooks as Benjamin Sisko

Avery Brooks as Benjamin Sisko

As the Captain/Commander on Deep Space Nine, he was one strange character. He was not all poised like Picard or Kirk portrayed, but held a father figure and boss-like attitude. Avery Brooks was cast as Benjamin Sisko for the whole of Deep Space Nine during 1993 to 1999. He later went on to have a fairly successful career in acting.

William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk

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He was both men and women’s dream. William Shatner is always a suave man when he heads the USS Enterprise. He showed himself to always be in his relaxation mode but had a few serious moments too. He is nearing 90 years of age, but Shatner is still cool and calm like Captain Kirk. You can tell that he is one chill grandfather from the look in his eyes, even after all these years.

Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura

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Nichelle Nichols broke barriers for the African community after being cast in the 1960s. Her role was not as a servant and it was very progressive during that time also sharing a kissing scene with Shatner which became the first ever inter-racial kiss that would be televised. Martin Luther King himself requested her not to leave the show when she was contemplating it. She later worked at NASA as a recruiter.

Armin Shimerman as Quark

Armin Shimerman as Quark

Quark had a role in Deep Space Nine as the comic relief and was from the species called Ferengi that were money crazed and had large ears. He owned a bar in the show and as Quark, Armin Shimerman played the role quite impressively. After Deep Space Nine ended he moved to another television show called Buffy The Vampire Slayer starring as Principal Snyder and played Kramer’s caddy on Seinfeld.

Jonathan Frakes as William T. Riker

William Riker’s role on The Next Generation was like that of Captain Kirk’s role, in-charge and in control. He was good with the ladies and was second in command. He underwent changes like growing a beard and gaining weight throughout the seven years of the show.  He became the only actor to star in all four series of the Star Trek franchise. He has also published a book aside from acting.

Simon Pegg as Montgomery Scott

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Simon Pegg had already gained public interest long before the Star Trek film series. He found fame during the 1990’s with the hit sitcom, Spaced. He has also appeared in movies like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. He was an established actor before taking on the role of Scotty. Despite the existence of another Scotty, he had his own way of portraying the character.