One Big Family

It was not Brooks or Haley alone, but one big family of all the passengers at the airport that was delighted by the birth of this baby. They were all together for the brave soldier who was alone at the airport at such an auspicious occasion. 

Emotional Flight

Finally, when Brooks had seen that his wife and the newborn baby were healthy and fine, he boarded his flight way back home to Jackson. It was filled with emotions of happiness, blessings, and excitement of holding his newborn in his arms after seeing her for the first time. 


Brooks finally arrived home to his wife Haley and their newborn Millie at 7:20 pm, and Haley asked all seventeen people present in the hospital room to leave. She wanted the moment to be her husband’s and their daughter alone. 


After a long day full of roller coaster rides, Brooks finally saw his baby girl in awe and celebrated the moment of taking her in his arms. “I held my daughter for the first time, and I hugged and kissed my wife,” Brooks said later. “It was emotional, especially not being there for the actual birth, to get to see her and hold her first the first time.” 

Four Days Later

The four heavenly days for Haley and Brooks had to come to an end very soon, and so they did. There was a point when they were not even sure if they could be together for the birth of the child, and now that that had been achieved, they accepted the four days that they had got with generosity. 

A Secretive Passenger

When the passengers finally understood what was going on with Brooks, one of the passengers, Tracy Dover, recorded the beautiful story secretly. She said, “When we heard the baby cry, we all rejoiced for him. I wanted to share this because I never want us to forget about our soldiers who serve us every day and the sacrifices they make.”