Giving Up

Lastly, Brooks was left with no other option but to board the flight. Just when he was so close to seeing his baby girl come to life he would have to disconnect from his family and be in the flight where it would be impossible for him to know if his wife and daughter are even fine or not. 

Not Alone

Brooks was in a shattered state of mind and heart and had too much pressure on him, but he soon discovered that he was not alone in this. While he had been on the phone, his fellow passengers had noticed him and figured out what was going on. 

All Together

Each passenger that knew of Brooks’ condition tried to delay the flights as much as they could on their part and support him so that he could be on the call for a little longer and witness the birth of her daughter. Just as a soldier is there for his countrymen, today the people were there for him. 

A Scream

When no more delay was possible by the passengers and the authorities had finally decided to board, Brooks had no option left. Just when he was about to press the end call button, he and in fact, the whole airport heard a scream from the other side of the that shouted, “Don’t let him board the flight!” 

First Cry

And right after the scream, Brooks was numb when he witnessed the magical moment of his daughter come into the world. He had tears flowing down, and with the widest of smiles he was lost in a world of his own when he saw his baby girl for the first time. 

Millie Lindsey

Millie Fritz Anne Lindsey entered this world at exactly 5:23 pm, minutes before the gates of her father’s flight to home were going to be closed. And it was not just the Lindsey family that welcomed Millie. The whole airport had been witnessing her birth and cheered and welcomed the baby.