Positive Vibes

Within seconds, Josh went from being in despair to being joyful. He had suddenly forgotten all the sorrows and his eyes shone with the brightest of hopes. And all the wrong things that had filled his mind were now gone and he could only express gratitude for what he had just found. 

The Gift

Peeping out from the bushes was a black and white kitten. It was like an angel that had been sent by God, since it saved Josh from taking his life. It was a stray cat and had suddenly become most important to Josh. Everything changed in a fraction of seconds. 


“He just walked up and started rubbing up against my leg and let me pet him, I broke down crying, burst into tears”, told Josh. He was deeply touched. The kitten had really been a life savior for Josh and he could not understand how to thank it for what it had done. 

Close Connection

The kitten made Josh feel like someone did understand him and cared about him. All his negative thoughts vanished and he felt loved. “I thought, ‘Someone did care.’ Something with a warm heart and soft fur came up to lend a hand, and it really did help.” 


The little kitten made Josh feel really special. It felt like someone was concerned about him and wanted to be around him. The Sgt had started enjoying life again, all credits to the kitten. After all, he had found a companion during the most difficult phase of his life. 


Josh felt that the little kitten really wanted to be around him and he broke down. He realized what he was about to do by ending his own life and he could not believe himself. A  kitten made him realize what he was going to do and he could never be thankful to it for saving his life.