Antarctica The White Land

Antarctica is known as the most beautiful land of ice and is often termed as the” white-snow paradise”. It is one of the most alluring creations on the planet. Situated at the peninsular zones and spread across 14 million square kilometers, it is the fifth largest continent on the planet and is almost twice the size of Australia. Before becoming a land of ice there are some possibilities that this piece of land was also covered with vegetation and was all green and not white. But then what made it an ice zone is a wonder which is half discovered. A long time ago, some 170 million years ago to be precise, Antarctica was a part of a bigger supercontinent called Gondwana and some 25 million years ago it broke down into an emerging continent away from the supercontinent.

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pyramid pops up in Antarctica, scientists stunned

The Unknown Came To Life

While studying the parts and certain sediments of the Larsen B region, the scientists were taken aback by the new discovery. They found an entire ecosystem as enormous as 2600 feet all beneath the ice sheets of the ocean. Finding a totally new phase of life, the biodiversity that too in bone breaking cold icy water was unbelievable.  The  Mysterious Antarctic had finally started disclosing itself…..

Researchers Dig Ice In Antarctica, Wish They Hadn’t

The Lesser Known

In one of her interviews, Susan Grant, a marine biologist at the British Antarctic Survey said that the newly explored area is a big task for the research team and is something worth discovering. They knew very little or absolutely nothing about what might or not have been living in these temperatures and climates. Scientists know a lot more about what lies above the surface and not what inhabits underneath it. Phil Trathan, another scientist working with Susan said that these newly explored lands must be preserved for extensive research work.

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An Abundance Of Life

These special areas demand hours of research to draw conclusions about the species that live on there. In the year 2016, the Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources made an effort to declare this part of Larsen C section as ” no research zone”. For almost two years this area was restricted for research. The entire year the Antarctic is covered with snow all over and it faces extreme freezing temperatures. Yet the ocean in here faces dramatic changes. The huge marine life changes seasonally and all-new algae develop. Even their reproduction depends on the season. The revealed ecosystem is giving the scientists shivers by revealing the unimaginable…

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Giant Crack In Glacier Reveals Prehistoric Secret

The Air Is Antarctic

The wonderland has equally wonder species. Wow! The marine life supported by the Antarctic shows a lot of complex behaviors. These organisms absorb energy from the sun and nutrients from the water. They release molecular oxygen during this process. Nearly 50-85% of the world’s population is dependent on this oxygen.