Not To Hurry Up
Before the man gets into the water the cameraman threw a stone in the river to check the distance. Thereafter, he warned the other man to not to hurry up by stating, “I don’t think it’s moving for a while.” However, the blue trunk guy was too excited to understand. He immersed himself till hip into the water and began to swim. After him, was his dog.
Taking It Back
The cameraman shouted, “Float it over!” Everybody had their heart in their mouth as they saw the man pushing the box towards them. Someone of them said, “It’s like Christmas!” It was indeed! They had just stumbled upon a thing from nowhere.
Dragging It Out
Finally, the object came near to them, they realized it was a cooler box. The blue trunk guy dragged the box to the land. The first question that popped out in the mind of the friends was what was it doing there? They pushed the cooler box to the land. It was a big white box sealed with tape. The box was heavy, clearly, there was something inside it.
Confusion Sparks
All of them were confused. Some of them were laughing nervously and others were staring at the box wondering whether they should open it or not. What if the box was containing an explosion. Perhaps someone had forgotten this here or perhaps someone had left it here on purpose. Before opening it they decided to ask people in their surrounding if any of them own this box.
Nobody Claimed It
Every one of them including the cameraman started asking the people if they knew anything about the cooler box. None of them had any idea about the cooler box. It clearly meant that the owner had left the place. The dog on the other side did not stop barking, in fact, it started circling the box as if wanted them to open it up. What this heavy box was concealing?
Opening It Up

There were four strips of duct tape on the box along with the lid. It seemed as if the box was meant to be thrown in the river. The cameraman on seeing the box asked, “has it got one of those hatches?” He zoomed in the camera when the man was peeling the tape off the cooler. Though there were many assumptions, what they actually found was beyond their imagination.