The Nurses Called.

On June 9, 2007, after everyone bid their goodbyes to Jill, she was taken off the life support. “Her whole upper torso would just kind of shift a little bit. And then the mumbling would start. When that started, I left the room. I physically got sick,” Ryan said. A few hours after leaving the room, nurses requested him to hurry to Jill’s room.Ryan was sure that he can’t see his wife dying and now the nurses were calling to see her dead. It was close to 11 p.m., ie, 5 hours after removing Jill from the life support. When he entered the room, she was mumbling and Ryan assumed it to be the “last rally”. Ryan recalls, “I thought that was it, that was the last rally.” “She knew our dog’s name, our cat’s name, our phone number. She knew our address immediately,” Ryan recalled. It was so strange for him that when he was expecting her to wake up she was lying there, now when he had made up his mind that she’ll be gone Jill was back. His happiness couldn’t be expressed in words.