An unexpected course of events puts a couple in a total dilemma as a result of which their story almost reached a closure. What happened next was an out of the world experience not only for the couple but for every person who comes across their story. Indeed their story was sensational. Time is not always good and life is not always bad. Hence, this story will take you to a conclusion where you’ll be realizing how important it is to live life to the fullest and never give up!

Joyful Life

Ryan Finley, a plumbing contractor, and Jill Finley, a loan underwriter recently got married and were living a regular life in Jones, Oklahoma. Happiness simply meant each other’s company and peace meant their home. The couple started their married life recently and they were not giving each other any hard times. However, they were not aware that they are soon going to face the biggest obstacle of their lives.

Worry-Free Weekend

Ryan and Jill were having a great time together and weekends were their fun time. Usually, they were relaxing at the weekends, with their family and friends. Early mornings when Ryan prefers to read the newspaper, he lets Jill sleep for a bit longer. While Ryan comfortably lay on his couch, Jill gets busy talking with the neighbors and family. However, a just another Sunday morning in 2007 wasn’t like their past weekends at all. The unfortunate incident took place soon after both completed 4 years of their marriage and were still happily following their old routines. That Sunday morning, Ryan was silently reading his newspaper on his lounge chair without waking up his wife who was asleep. That was not an ordinary day and hence the couple’s action may differ from their regular day, which actually happened.comatose wife - Jill Finley

Wake Her Up

Ryan, unlike the rest of the mornings over the years, felt a strange eagerness to wake up his wife. As soon as he entered the house he walked towards the bedroom to wake Jill up. Even Ryan himself was aware that this behavior is opposite to his regular self but he wanted to see Jill awake and fine for unexplained reasons. What was next to happen, will change Ryan forever. “I can’t tell you why, but I just felt that I wanted to wake her up that day,” told Ryan, and when he tried to wake Jill, for a second, he thought she is not willing to wake up but quick enough he understood that she was not responding to him at all. Despite many attempts, shaking her and shouting as loud as he can, all seemed like a waste as she didn’t wake up that morning. This was enough to freak out Ryan who immediately ran for his phone.

CPR At Home

Ryan moved Jill from their bed to the floor where he can do the CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) which should be performed in emergency cases to restore blood circulation and breathing of a person. Ryan didn’t have any clue about what’s happening to his wife and yet he wanted to do all he could to save her. He merely knew anything about first aid yet he performed CPR by himself on the basis of the little knowledge he had from a decade’s old CPR course.“It felt like forever, it felt like hours,” explained Ryan recalling the time he was waiting for the ambulance to reach.  While Ryan was making all the attempts to save his beloved wife the help was on its way and within 15 minutes of Ryan’s call, they reached the couple’s home. The paramedics were here and Ryan was finally hoping that Jill will get back to senses soon.

comatose wife

What Happened?

Ryan told it took around 25 minutes for the doctors to stabilize Jill in such a way that they can further help her with medication or anything at all as they knew proceeding in the traumatic state might risk her life. All Ryan remembered Jill sleeping last night with him as usual, he couldn’t make out what happened to her that caused this. With the doctors’ team efforts finally, Jill started breathing and her heart was beating too. Everyone took a breath of relief, sadly, this wasn’t all. When Ryan heard the news and was eager to see his love again, the doctors soon noticed something strange that was the biggest shock for Ryan and the situation seemed more complicated when he wasn’t explained what happened to her.At the hospital, Ryan was told by the doctors that when asleep Jill had cardiac arrest and as she stopped breathing for almost 5 minutes, doctors had to move her to the “chill suit” and initiated clinical hypothermia to decrease the chances of brain damage. All the possible attempts were being made to keep Jill stable but fate couldn’t be controlled by people.comatose wife

An Advice

Ryan’s heart was full of emotions and he lost his inner peace completely. While doctors, family, and friends all had their different piece of advice, Ryan’s fight was going on within himself. He started praying most of his time and kept a diary to pour out his pain silently. Maybe the rough times were about to be over soon. “Every morning I’d wake up and I’d realize, this isn’t a dream. The doctors told me that there were never any signs that she was coming back. There wasn’t,” Ryan mentioned in his diary. With the nightmare he was going through, Ryan never knew what more was to come right after it.comatose wife - Ryan Finley