At The Lunch

“She didn’t ask me if she could stay with me but I had that day off work so I drove down to the Gold Coast straight away and picked her up. I took her to lunch and she told me her story,” explained Tommy. He was aware of his fault that he might have known this before he would have surely not let her live on the streets. Life was sad for Kiarna and Tommy came as a ray of hope at that moment. But things weren’t just as bad as they looked at first glance.

Concerned Brother

“It made me want to do whatever it took to help her. It made any problems I ever had seem irrelevant because the life she has had is so intense. My focus just immediately turned to her,” Tommy recalled that how guilty he felt at the moment he saw her and how badly he wanted to make it up to her. At that point, he was least bothered about anything else. He didn’t know the whole story and now was the decision making time.


In any case, Tommy knew leaving Kiarna back on the streets wasn’t an option. Not even once he thought of his family and girlfriend’s reaction after knowing this decision. Tommy was still working a part-time and studying himself, still, he offered help to his little sister. He asked her to stay with him for a while. However, this ‘for a while’ was about to extend way more than anyone thought. Tommy has always been in love with kids as you’ll understand after looking at the picture above.

Secret Kept Going

Kiarna was offered to live with her older brother who was determined to help her out in all the possible ways. She had no clue about her future nor she had any plans or goals. The girl wasn’t mature enough to live alone when she was living alone on the streets. Tommy, on the other hand, was a responsible guy who wanted to achieve big in his life and was focused towards his dreams. He didn’t know a secret his little sis was hiding from him which could bring Tommy into a big-time trouble depending on how he’ll react to it.

Big Step

Tommy was certain that he wouldn’t let her suffer through this kind of life anymore. He wanted to give her a normal life that every kid deserves. He was planning on getting her back to school where she could learn all that she missed. When all the determination, great plans for Kiarna were made and Tommy was ready to become her official guardian that’s when a shocking discovery was waiting for him.

How Long?

Out of fear she didn’t tell Tommy about her actual condition. She knew that if this secret gets disclosed Tommy wouldn’t help her anymore. The secret that was yet to be told was that she was pregnant for 23 weeks. But an almost 5 months pregnancy couldn’t stay hidden for too long and Kiarna’s terror was just not letting her speak up.  However, what actually happened made this brother-sister duo one of the most amazing ones we’ll ever know.