Sook Jai, similar to other captive elephants lived most of her life suffering and in terrible pain. When this picture was taken, she was in the same condition for days, tied most of the time, working hard rest of the time but soon her life was about to change.
Kraal And Phajaan
A historian, James Anthony Froude once said, Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures are amusing in itself. Indeed he knew our species and human nature closely enough!
The process of training an elephant which Sook Jai went through is Kraal which means to crush and then Phajaan which means mentally break. She learned to follow the orders of her master who trained her brutally using the bullhook we just introduced you with. Physical torment tells the cruel story of her life.
Restricted From Social Life
Sook Jai was kept away from other elephants. Mostly chained she was freed only to work by her masters. Over decades she has been working under different people, however similar in the terms of harshness and exploiting her life. She sure fed her handlers and their families as she earned them a lot of money but herself wasn’t even given a completely healthy diet that she deserved.
People Noticed
While her owner kept her in a corner as a completely broken toy, there were people who noticed it and willing to interfere. But who were these people? Were they trying to help or were they just trying to make her Sook Jai’s conditions even bad? How much worse could it possibly be than it was right now for her? But many things were about to change for the big old lady. That’s for sure.
As expected, Sook Jai’s owner, who was looking for a reason to somehow get rid of her immediately approved the new people’s request who were willing to take her. But Sook Jai had least expectations or hopes left for herself. She never knew a free life and was suspecting to get into the hands of a new master now. She was kept in a truck, like before as well when she was moved from one owner to the other, she felt nothing new but a never-ending sorrowful life.
Journey To Freedom?
Sook Jai didn’t have anything from days and she was surely hungry but had nothing when her traveling mates offered. They stopped the truck for her when it was a cold night they covered the truck so that she doesn’t feel cold. They were trying to help her in the healing of her injuries too! It was unusual for her to be treated with so much care. How could anyone be good to her now? and why?
Tears Of Joy
It was the Elephant Nature Park, with many other elephants like her, living happily and there she was in a place she truly belonged. Tears rolled off her eyes and she was crying! If you still don’t believe it check out the video of her journey from the previous jail to the forever home and how she expressed that.
The very next day she was exploring the place and playing in the mud and took bath and looked for a right place to scratch the right spot! Who can say she can’t see at all? Compared to her past life where she was never allowed to socialize now she could make as many friends as she liked. That’s not it, she was even awarded! What?
Elephant Of The Week
The elephant nature park has a beautiful ritual of announcing an elephant of the week on their official website. That week Sook Jai won her honor! Now she is happy and we would like to introduce you to her new friends.
New Friends
Di Por, a 50-year-old elephant, looks a lot more than her age because of all that she had been through but her struggles seemed to end when she arrived at ENP after a leg injury as she is now a friend of Sook Jai and seemed to roam around together most of the day.