$10,500 Motorcycle and Sidecar

This bike made in Germany brought good fortune to the duo when they made a good amount of profit on selling it for $18,000. They had bought this Zundapp RS 750 motorcycle along with sidecar while they were in Europe for a total amount of $11,500 including the cost of getting it shipped back to the U.S.
$12,000 Cyclecar

The automobile you see in the image is a Henderson cyclecar which the brothers bought for a considerable amount of $12,000. They were lucky enough to make a profit out of it, as they later sold the vehicle built in Indianapolis for $14,500.
$12,500 Dodge A100 Hot Rod Truck

Frank became an admirer of this Dodge A100 hot rod truck from the time he first saw it in a collector’s garage. It was because of this reason that he instantly paid the amount of $12,500 asked by the owner of the truck.
$20,000 Harley

Buying this 1937 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead motorcycle for the duo was one of the toughest tasks they ever did. Luckily, they were able to buy this bike which had gained attention after someone saw it in a barn, on paying $20,000. They liked it so much that they didn’t even accept an offer of $25,000 made by a person to own the bike.
$21,000 Von Dutch XAVW Motorcycle

This bike made which was made in the year 1966 is extremely rare and unique because it has the parts of both Harley and Volkswagen.The brothers consider themselves lucky when they were able to own this custom Von Dutch XAVW motorcycle in the year 2012.
$26,500 Auburn

It was Wolfe’s sheer luck that his eyes came upon this 1935 Auburn Phaeton 653 in a barn. Yeah, it cost him a hefty amount of $45,000 including the $10,000 he paid to get it repaired. But, in the end, he was happy to be the owner of this historic car.