
“You never knew what to expect and that’s what was so great about dad is every day was an adventure and he was just like you saw in all of those documentaries. That was dad!” Bindi gives a little explanation of what it was like to live her daily life while her dad was still alive. It seems as though her life is unlike any other, actually living with multiple animals all year long.

Everyday Adventures

She also states that she enjoyed every day of her life with her father as it was always a different day each day. She describes her days with Steve Irwin and explains,“You never knew what to expect and every day was fun and different.” It must have been a fun-filled, eventful day every day to live with Steve who was such a vivacious man with an immense love for the wildlife.

Looking Forward

One thing Bindi looks forward to in the future is to be able to work full-time at the Australian National Zoo. Her love for animals is clear and she does not plan on stopping with what she believes in. She aims to work hard and be as inspirational as her dad was to a lot of people including her. She hopes that she can spread positivity in others, to care for all species of animals.

An Inspirational Kid

Image result for bindi irwin

Bindi Irwin is one teenager that is truly inspiring. With her efforts on spreading awareness and love for the benefit of wild animals, we can all agree that there is a lot of Steve’s personality and characteristics that have been passed on to his daughter. We hope that Bindi can achieve all that she dreams of and we are sure that her father is very proud of all that she had done so far…