Since Birth

So we all know by now that spending time with animals is certainly not a new thing for Bindi. Steve made sure that Bindi loved to be in the presence of animals and that she felt safe around them. Even since she was just 2 years of age, her dad would take her along on his adventures where they would go and interact with a variety of wild animals.

Like Father, Like Daughter

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And just like her dad, even she was lucky enough to have her own animal show that centers around wild animals. It was an infotainment show that she hosted as well as her dad used to on his own show. Her wildlife documentary show was called “Bindi the Jungle Girl.” You might have watched an episode or two as even her show was a huge hit, especially among kids.

Zoo Life

Her life is definitely not an ordinary one that most of us live. She actually lives at the zoo and it was a little confusing even for her as a kid. “It took me until I was about three years old to realize that we didn’t just come to the zoo every day, that we actually lived here,” Bindi revealed. If you are an animal lover, this would definitely be a dream come true.

Irwin Tradition

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Her whole childhood was around animals. Ever since she could remember, Bindi had always been around one type of animal or the other. So, it was inevitable that her love for wild animals would blossom. Judging from what she is trying to do in the future, it looks like she is not planning to stop this family tradition. 

The Secret

So does Bindi not get fearful of what will happen when she surrounds herself with unfamiliar animals? Well, she has a secret that she follows in order to keep that fearlessness alive. “If you treat animals how you want to be treated, you’re a lot better off,” Bindi claims, talking about how being kind and friendly towards animals will always be rewarding.

Wise Words

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Her dad had definitely taught her well in handling situations with wild animals. She does not fear for what could happen to her as she believes that no matter how scary or deadly animals she encounters are if she is kind to it, they will surely reciprocate with kindness too. Wise words from such a young woman that we can all follow from now on.