A Confident Creature
Though there were some who thought it to be a whale, there are many characteristics that set this creature apart from the giant marine animal. Whales are usually shy around people but this creature did not appear shy at all. In fact, Asha sensed how comfortable this creature was around them.
Stroke Of Luck
The organization Asha was associated with used to keep the photo-IDs of whale species residing in waters off the shore of Sri Lanka. So half of the work was already done for Asha. All she needed to do was to collect all the vital documents to find out about that. But before that, she needed to make out the head and tail of it.
Defining Traits
The creature was completely different from marine animals she had seen before. Everything from its size to the marking and coloring of the creature was different. Asha observed that the creature’s right side’s jaw was light in color whereas the left side one was dark. The uniqueness did not limit to its asymmetrical jaw color but also many striking features.
Unique Characteristics
What she noted further was that the creature’s skin was water-colored and had chevron marking. She observed one more thing, the creature had a scar on its body that resembled a wound inflicted by fishing nets. So did anyone know about this creature? All the questions were soon going to be answered.
Expert Advice
Well, the research team had no knowledge of this creature, so Asha decided to send the photographs to one of her colleagues who too is highly knowledgeable in marine life. The pictures were sent to Vos’ colleagues Dr. Salvatore Cerchio and Dr. Robert Brownell. And as Asha had hoped, the duo knew what exactly was that creature.
Rare Discovery
Dr. Salvatore Cerchio and Dr. Robert Brownell put an end to all the doubts and speculation when they confirmed what that creature was. There had always been a question mark on the existence of this species but now the scientists had a proof of it. They immediately called Asha and disclosed the identity of the creature. It was…..