Not Fully Recovered Yet
Despite all the positive things, BenBen’s health was still a concern. His whole body was still not functioning properly. His face especially was stuck in a frown. His spine remained the major point of concern.
Do the Kitty Bunny-Hop!
BenBen also started to do a strange “bunny hop” when he climbed stairs and strolled around the house. According to his owners, the minimum movement in his knees and elbows forced him to style his walk like this. BenBen was certainly a strong cat and his will to improve was commendable.
From Rags to Riches
Despite his ailments, this little cat was determined to relish every moment of his new life. What started as a story with no hope, changed into a new and positive lease on life. BenBen was going places, and his new owners proved to be a helping hand.
Social Media Star
BenBen’s owners decided to share his daily adventures with the world and started an Instagram page for the cute cat, naming the page as Benjamin Button. The world fell in love with BenBen and his adventures and he instantly gained a large following.
Car Rides Are His Favorites
BenBen loved car rides. A lot of people take their pets on car rides, but there was a special treat for this adorable cat. BenBen now explores the world around with his such generous owners.
Happy Times
Albeit Benben has been referred to as the saddest cat on the internet, we’re starting to think his face is actually starting to look happier. He is now exuding happiness through his facial expressions. This is a proof that tells that love is the best healer.