Remus 6000

Remus 6000 was built for one purpose and that was to be an underwater robot. This advanced robot can stay underwater for a very long time that helps the researchers in discovering something exceptional. The team from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution used Remus 6000 in their exploration and were taken aback by the discovery. The legend they heard about the sea was indeed true. You’ll be surprised by what this robot was able to discover. For centuries people have been talking about a Spanish ship that came in this area some 310 years ago. The locals have been talking about this ship which was hiding something really special from the world. This discovery made by this made stayed deep buried in the sea for centuries. Finally, they were able to find it and brought out in front of the world.

The Advanced Tech

Using the drone, researchers supervised the Remus 6000 underwater. This underwater technology used sonars and cameras to locate the desired things that stay hidden under the surface of the water. And this discovery was hidden 2,000 feet under. If the team wouldn’t have Remus 6000, there was no way they could have found it. Then they saw something…

A Successful Expedition

Mike Purcell was leading this team of researchers, who is also a WHOI engineer, expressed that the ” wreck was partially sediment-covered, but with the camera images from the lower altitude missions, we were able to see new details.” This little glimpse made the team work hard and their work hard really paid off.

Many Questions Unanswered

There were still many questions that needed some answers. For one, how will these treasures be brought to the land from the sea? These treasures were buried 2,000-feet in bed floor of the sea. The second question, what will happen after the treasure was brought to the surface? But the Colombian Government had a solution for everything and this is what they were planning to do with the treasure.

Seeing The Treasure

The team who discovered the treasure wishes to see the treasure with their own eyes as when they discovered the artifacts they watched it on the TV. But because of all the disputes and indisputable worth of the treasure, they know that watching it in person won’t be happening anytime soon. And there is no official news when they will be obtained fully.