What Does The Future Hold?

Even today new inventions are taking place and it’s very hard to tell what all we could find in future related to Mayans and other several civilizations. The PACUNAM is working hard to preserve the Guatemalan ground and the project is now three years old. With technology advancing each and every day it’s not far possibility where the archeologist finding the Mayan pyramids anytime soon.

Follow The LiDAR

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One thing we are sure about is that the LiDAR technology is future. What all we can expect from this technology only time would tell. Just by using this technology we could tell what all other hidden civilizations are buried deep inside the ground which is covered forest and hiding behind the long trees. Even exploring the Amazon and the Congo Basin isn’t a far dream to catch on.

What Happened To These Legends?

The Mayans were the greatest civilizations on this planet. This civilization dominated the major parts of South and Central America. The Yucatan Peninsula was the first city the Mayan built in 1,000 B.C. It was in 900 AD the civilization ended leaving only some amazing structures behind. But what brought this great civilization down?

Saving Forests Around The World

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“You’re just seeing the archaeology part because that’s what we focused on, but that data can be used to determine how jungles recover from forest fires, what’s the carbon footprint,” Garrison said. The LiDAR technology can not only help the archeologist is such discoveries but can also help to save the forests.

Cultural Preservation

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By the time the project started by PACUNAM will come to an end they might have already covered the 5,000 square miles of Guatemala area. We don’t know what all they will be able to find in near future but whatever it would be. The civilization would have some more answers in the book of its history.